Can You Do AC Maintenance Yourself?

Wondering if you can do AC maintenance yourself? Discover the dos and don'ts in this witty guide and find out when it's better to call in the pros. Save money & stay cool!

Do you ever find yourself staring at your AC unit on a sweltering summer day, wondering if you could save some money by doing its maintenance yourself? Maybe there’s a sense of satisfaction tied to being the master of your own domain, fixing what’s broken, tweaking what’s functional, with just a bit of elbow grease and a heap of determination. But then again, this is not just any appliance; it’s the thing keeping you from turning into a puddle of sweat on the hottest of August afternoons.

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Is DIY AC Maintenance a Good Idea?

Here’s the crux of the matter: AC maintenance is both an art and a science. On one hand, you have the satisfaction of knowing you figured out how a complex system works and maybe saved a few bucks. On the other hand, there’s the risk of creating a Frankenstein of failure. Remember, this isn’t assembling a coffee table from Ikea. This is your air conditioning unit.

The Art of Cleaning Filters

Let’s start with something simple – the filters. Cleaning or changing the filters seems like the most basic task, and it kind of is. Your AC unit might resemble a lint monster just waiting to be unleashed. Clogged filters restrict airflow, making your unit work harder, which is not what you want when the temperature starts to mimic the Sahara desert.

How to Clean the Filters

  1. Turn off the unit: This might seem overly cautious, but better safe than receiving a bolt of electricity to your fingers.
  2. Locate the filters: Typically, they’re easily accessible, designed with the occasional idiot-proof latch.
  3. Remove and inspect them: If they look like they’ve survived a dust storm, you know it’s time to clean.
  4. Vacuum or wash them: Some filters are washable; others are replaceable. Check your unit’s manual to know which type you’ve got.
  5. Reinsert the filters: Ensure they’re securely in place. A poorly fitted filter is like a half-baked cake – it’s not going to work out well.
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The Importance of Fins and Coils

Next up are the evaporator and condenser coils. These might sound like something out of a mad scientist’s lab, but they’re vital to your AC’s efficiency. Over time, these coils collect dirt, reducing the system’s ability to absorb heat.

Cleaning the Coils

  1. Turn off the power: Again, an important step to remember unless you enjoy a little shock therapy.
  2. Access the coils: You might have to remove a panel to get to them, which means you might need a screwdriver and a little patience.
  3. Brush them gently: Use a soft brush to clean dirt and debris. Be careful – the fins on the coils are delicate, and you don’t want to bend them.
  4. Consider a fin comb: If the fins are bent, a fin comb can straighten them out. It’s a small investment but worth it to keep the airflow smooth.

Check the Thermostat

Now, on to something that’s more likely to feel like you’re hacking into the mainframe of your AC – the thermostat. Your granddaddy’s thermostat might have been a simple dial, but today’s models often resemble mini-computers.

A Simple Thermostat Check

  1. Replace the batteries: If you have a smart thermostat, this could be the simplest fix.
  2. Update settings: Make sure the settings are tailored to your preferences. After all, there’s nothing worse than an uncooperative thermostat in a heatwave.

Pros and Cons of DIY AC Maintenance

You might be thinking, “This stuff sounds easy enough. Why do I need a professional?” Well, that’s a fair question, and to answer it, let’s weigh the pros and cons of DIY AC maintenance.

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  • Cost-saving: The most obvious advantage. You’re cutting out the middleman, or in this case, the friendly AC technician.
  • Learning experience: There’s something satisfying about knowing how things work, especially if you have a penchant for tinkering with gadgets.
  • Immediate fixes: No waiting around for someone to schedule an appointment. If you can fix it then and there, you’ve won the battle against the elements.


  • Risk of damage: Without the right knowledge or tools, you could end up causing more harm than good. Sometimes, the cost of fixing your fixes might end up more than what a professional would have charged initially.
  • Time-consuming: What might take a professional an hour could take you three. That’s a lot of precious time lost when you could be sipping lemonade in the shade.
  • Safety concerns: Let’s not forget the simple fact that AC units involve electricity. One wrong move and you’re playing with fire.

Can You Do AC Maintenance Yourself?

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When to Call in the Pros

There are moments in life when it’s just better to let a professional handle the situation. Like that time you thought you could cut your own hair during quarantine—oh, the horror! The same principle applies to AC maintenance.

Complex Repair Issues

If your AC problems extend beyond dirty filters and simple thermostat checks, it’s time to call in the cavalry. Issues like refrigerant leaks, electrical problems, or motor failures are not your average DIY projects. The complexity and danger involved call for a seasoned professional.

Regular Maintenance is Key

Even if you are a DIY enthusiast, having a professional from KadeCo Inc. take a look at your unit annually ensures everything is running smoothly. Just like going to a therapist, you might think you’re okay, but sometimes you need someone to point out the issues you can’t see. Our technicians at KadeCo Inc. will make sure your unit is in tip-top shape, giving you peace of mind.

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The KadeCo Inc. Promise

Now, let me tell you a bit about KadeCo Inc., where you’ll find the best HVAC service in Pensacola, FL. Launched in 1997 by Kade Youmans, a seasoned expert with over 20 years of field experience, KadeCo Inc. was born out of a desire to change the HVAC industry’s standards. Kade experienced firsthand the greed and dishonesty prevalent in the market and decided to carve out a niche focusing on honesty, quality, and fair pricing.

Why KadeCo Inc.?

We understand that trust is the cornerstone of any service. At KadeCo Inc., we aim to exceed your expectations by putting your needs first. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • No Upselling: We don’t push unnecessary fixes or try to upcharge you. If it isn’t broken, we won’t fix it.
  • Motivated Technicians: Our team is committed to delivering quality work every time. They’re not just in it for the paycheck; they genuinely care about providing the best service.
  • Free Quotes: Ever worried about hidden fees? With us, you get a free quote on all jobs. No surprises, just transparency.
  • Referral Service: If we can’t handle the job, we’ll recommend a company that can. Our priority is your satisfaction.

So if you feel like you’re getting in over your head with your AC maintenance or just want to ensure your unit is running at its best, give KadeCo Inc. a call at (850) 516-7552, or visit us at 209 Brandywine Rd, Pensacola, FL 32507.

Can You Do AC Maintenance Yourself?


The ability to do AC maintenance yourself can feel empowering and potentially save you money. Routine tasks like cleaning filters and checking the thermostat can certainly be within the realm of a handy homeowner. However, for more complex repairs or regular check-ups, the expertise of professionals like those at KadeCo Inc. is invaluable.

As satisfying as it is to master a new skill, there’s a distinct peace of mind in knowing your AC is in the best hands possible. After all, some things in life are too important to leave up to trial and error—especially your comfort.

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